Sunday, November 24, 2013

Finding a Poker Game

I travel a lot. Sometimes my trip is to areas of well established public poker rooms. My recent trip to Las Vegas for the World Series of Poker was such a trip. Often however, finding a poker game is tangential to my primary reason for visiting a city. In the former instance, finding a game is simple. I simply plug in the address of the poker room I’m visiting and I’m there. In the latter case, finding a game is a bit trickier. Let me share with you what I do in both situations. poker lenses

There are well over a thousand legal poker rooms on river boats, Indian reservations, at race tracks, jai alai frontons, on mini cruise ships, and in full blown card rooms and casinos. If, for example, you are traveling to any of the following regions, you will probably find a public poker room within two hours of you: California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas City, Washington, Montana, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Eastern and Southern Mississippi, Southern Louisiana, Florida, Eastern New Jersey, Western New York, Eastern Connecticut, and New Hampshire. You can find games in these areas on the Internet, using search engines like or poker game locators like that have most legal poker rooms mapped out with address and relevant information.

A few words of caution about these sites, however. Though they can help you identify places where poker has recently been spread, they are often out of date. This includes poker room home pages. I recall well relying on one such site for locating games in Northern California, only to find out that the first three places I visited had closed down! Similarly, these sites often have standardized information that has either never been checked nor updated in the recent past. This holds true for the home page of the casino or poker room itself. It is often wrong, especially when it comes to games spread, tournament schedule, and hours of operation. My friend Andre, for example, recently drove two hours to a poker room in New Hampshire that listed hold’em as one of the games it offered. He found out after arriving that they no longer spread cash hold’em games – only tournaments and Omaha8. He drove four hours round trip for nothing.

Avoid problems like this by calling the poker room right before you leave. Be sure to ask specific and direct questions about what is currently being played. Poker room managers, though typically very eager and helpful to the prospective player, tend to exaggerate when answering questions about the hours of operation and what games and stakes they spread. I’ve found it much more useful to ask them, specifically, what games they have going “right now” – as if you are minutes away from arriving and want to lock up a seat. If you ask them what games they spread, they’re more likely to recite the long list of games and stakes that they are legally allowed to offer – which tells you nothing about what you can expect to find when you arrive.

Similarly, never ask when the poker room opens or closes. You are apt to be told that the games run 24/7 – or that they open at some artificial, official, opening time that may have nothing to do with when you will actually find a game. Better to ask when the first game got going that morning, or when it ended last night. Though even this direct approach doesn’t insure that the guy or gal answering the phone will give you a straight answer, it increases the chances that you’ll be driving over at a time when a game you want to play is actually being spread.
This is all well and good for those regions in the country with public poker rooms. But when visiting a city or town without such games, a more diligent and nuanced approach is often necessary. Let me share with you what has worked for me in the past.card cheating

You’ll have to do as I learned to do before poker became so widespread. When I started as a poker playing adult, public poker rooms were few and far between. California had a bunch, so did Las Vegas of course. And Washington State had a few rooms. That was about it. Indian casinos were in their infancy. And the Internet was still young and hardly peppered with millions of sites helping the traveler pinpoint public poker rooms in distant locales – if they existed at all.

I learned to rely on my person-to-person networking skills. It’s a simple method – though it may not strike you as easy. Here’s what I did and still do when traveling to areas without public poker rooms.

I start by thinking of family and friends who might live in or near the place I’m going. If I know someone personally, I call them, tell them that I’m looking for a poker game in their area, and ask them to help me. They already have the connections in their city or town. So if there’s a game somewhere, there’s a good chance that they’ll be able to point me in the right direction.

More often than not, however, I don’t have any personal connections. When that’s the case, I draft a list of every group that I’m connected to in some way. I then augment this list with other groups that I might be able to contact about finding a game – if my personal connections fail me. I find a phone number or email for my contact – or if I have none, then any name I can find associated with the group. I then go through my list of groups, starting with those with which I have some personal connection, calling the contact person.

Here’s a specific example of how I found a game using this method. I was going to Lynchburg, Virginia (the heart of the anti-poker Bible belt) on business. I had no family or friends who lived in or around there. I listed all the groups with which I had some connection: unions, Jews, Catholics, political organizations, teachers, food coops, book lovers, and musicians. I went on line and got the phone number of the one synagogue in town, the Catholic Churches, all of the unions I could dig up, and the library. I started with my cold calls.

I left a message for the synagogue explaining simply what I wanted. I left a message at the two union halls I found listed on line. I called and was then indignantly rebuffed by the person who answered the phone at one of the Catholic Churches (I figured maybe they ran a BINGO and would know of poker. I was wrong.) I planned on visiting the library when I was there – figuring that a phone call might be too intimidating for an unknown librarian.

I received a call back that evening from one of my union brothers. He told me, gratuitously I thought, that poker was illegal in Virginia. Fortunately, I also received a call from a secretary at the synagogue informing me that there was a member of the congregation who had a game. She gave me his phone number. I called him, got the details about when and where his poker game would be, and played in it when I arrived.
If my personal connections didn’t get me through to a poker game I would not have given up. I would then just go to all of the groups I could find in town. I would have called the fraternal groups like the Elks and the Moose Lodges; the business groups like the Lions and the Rotary Club, and then all the groups I could think of that might use their space for charity or other fundraising events – like the veterans groups, churches, and social halls.

If I couldn’t find a game by telephone, I was prepared to check with a few potential sources when I got into town. I’ve found that cabbies often know of games (I found two games in the Bahamas and another in Grenada this way) – same with folks who work in motels, bars, restaurants, and other places that deal with travelers. I’ve even gotten assistance from time to time from fire fighters and, yes, cops (in North Carolina of all places).

A word about contacting people cold. I find that a few rules of thumb serve me in good stead in finding games. They surely don’t work all of the time, but they seem to increase my chances of actually finding a game.

Smile and treat the matter lightly – almost as a joke. I find that if my query is too serious, folks are scared away from me. By approaching the subject lightly, I lighten up their mood and make them less suspicious. I try to be a likable, easy going fellow. If they like me, they are less likely to be threatened by my question and more likely to help me find a game.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Exposing Chimera Of Casino Tax Refund

There are some ways to get back your money which you have paid on your gambling winning in the form of tax. After winning a certain amount, you have to pay tax on the winning amount which is considered to be legal in the countries like US and Canada but these taxes are refundable subject to certain conditions.

Getting professional service for US casino tax refund for Canadians is ideal for guaranteed refunds
Us Tax Recovery - Casino Tax Refund
If you are not resident of USA then 30% tax of the gambling winning amount is deducted. IRS charges this withhold tax on gambling winning. The treaty of US-Canada allows the Canadian residents to offset gambling losses against their winnings. On form 1042-S, Canadians can have casino tax refund on their gambling winnings. To get a refund you must know whether you are eligible of getting tax refund or not. The tax paid on the following activities is refundable:

Gaming: To play for stakes with expectation to win. It can also be inclusive of paying something in order to win a prize.
Keno: It is played with balls instead of counters and it is a kind speculation. The balls are numbered and are drawn randomly and the corresponding numbers have to be covered in the cards.luminosu contact lenses

Blackjack Poker: It is casino banking game and is played widely. In this game skill of an individual is involved, and is a mixture of chances. A set of card games sharing gambling rules and hand rankings is called Poker.
Slot Machines: Some machines are also used for gambling, these machines are called Slot Machines. A Slot Machine contains three reels and machine starts moving when a button is pushed.
Dog/Horse Wagering: This type of betting is quite different as compared to other sports. In this betting, you select animal of your own choice and if the right animal is selected then you may become lucky enough to win a huge jackpot.
Bingo: This game is played with cards and money and an individual can win a heavy amount.

On all the above mentioned gambling, refundable tax is charged.

But the early feelings of delight and excitement start decreasing gradually when a thing comes to mind that you will have to pay taxes on the gambling winnings. US gambling refunds may include withheld taxes and is applicable on both non US and US residents. The tax is refunded after getting a filled form 1042-S from the individual, which is given to him by the casino. You can have a casino tax refund only if the winning is taxable and is from qualified gaming activity in the previous three years. And to have casino tax refund you have to be a qualified loser as Canadian-U.S tax Treaty has defined.

You can claim gambling tax within three years after winning time. Casinos keeps the records, receipts, tickets and statements of the winners and losers, and winning or loosing information is confirmed from the casinos before giving you refund amount. infrared marked cards

So you do not have to be worried if you have paid tax on your winning and do not know how to apply for refund because there are refund management services that help you getting your Casino tax refund.